My iPad

November 10th, 2011

On my last birthday I got an iPad. It was the best surprise ever because I was preparing to save for a long time until I had enough money to buy one.

I was so happy, I was crying with joy. Really! My real excitement was that I will be able to read books for the book club. But I have not bought any ebooks and I dropped out of the bookclub.
Actually I joined the Quran school where I am learning to read the book of Allah with the correct rules (tajweed). I have bought the quran app which is very useful for me right now.

May Allah Bless my son Mohsin who bought me the ‘Warrior of Light’ blog long ago. I did make an entry in it but forgot to post it. So I was very dissapointed that two hours of inspirational effort was lost. I had gone deep into my heart and pulled out spiritual stuff that I thought others would find meaningful and inspiring. After that I didn’t even know how to begin. I had lost my confidence.

Anyway, I believe now Insha Allah (god willing) is the right time to begin. Mashallah, I have so much knowledge to share and my boys have been asking me to right everything down so that they may one day read Mom’s notes.

So I dedicate my writings to my three sons, Mohsin, Usman and Imad who have taught me so much and especially to my husband Muzafar Ali. Six years ago I became very ill and was diagnosed with hypothyroid. Looking back I can’t help thinking that it might have been a nervous breakdown was what I had and that affected the thyroid gland. So I want to thank you Muzafar
Janna for hanging in there.

Today I know that what happened to me was that I woke-up from a life long slumber. I could call it my spiritual awakening. I discovered there was a third aspect to who I am. I know I have a body and I have a mind and one day I woke up and realised I Am Soul. I the Soul, I am energy that activates the mind and in turn animates this body.

I ask my Lord to help in my writings to convey THE TRUTH and save me from any falsehood.
I ask Allah Azawjal, my creator and the creator of all that exists to always guide me and to purify my intention in relaying a message that is The Truth and thus beneficial in ascending our conscience so that we may really get to know ourselves. When we truly understand ourselves, will we understand others. A compassionate heart such as this will see the unity in creation.
When you become a Soul at Peace you will see all of creation as ONE. If we are one then you are not separate from me. You are my brother and you are my sister in Islam.

Love and light from my heart to yours


May 18th, 2008

may 26

‘Strength does not come from winning.  Your struggles develop your strengths.  When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.’